Looking for a BPH Doctor?

Our Doctor Finder was created to put you in direct contact with urologists who specialize in diagnosing and treating male urinary conditions like BPH.

The Center of Excellence distinction recognizes physicians with a high degree of experience with Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy and/or GreenLight Laser Therapy and commitment to delivering significant, lasting symptom relief to men suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).


Urologists included in the Rezūm Center of Excellence program have achieved a high degree of experience with Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy. The requirements to achieve Rezūm Center of Excellence designation are as follows and must be met on an annual basis to maintain Center of Excellence designation:

  • The physician must complete Rezūm training, including didactic and simulator training, and complete the first 10 procedures with a Boston Scientific representative with no significant complications.
  •  The physician must complete 75 Rezūm cases each year.
  • The physician must submit de-identified pre- and post-procedure IPSS data from a minimum of 25 patients each year. The mean improvement in IPSS must be at least 25% compared to baseline average.
  • The physician’s primary practice website must maintain current and accurate education information on BPH disease state and BPH treatments, including Rezūm and other options.
  • The physician must complete a quarterly Therapy Review with a Boston Scientific representative to include review of de-identified patient outcomes and best practices.

In order to maintain designation after year one of participation in the program, the physician must also deliver educational programs on the BPH disease state and treatment options four times a year in addition to meeting the requirements above. 

Urologists included in the GreenLight Center of Excellence program have achieved a high degree of experience with GreenLight Laser Therapy. The requirements to achieve GreenLight Center of Excellence designation are as follows and must be met on an annual basis to maintain Center of Excellence designation:

  • The physician must complete 50 GreenLight Laser Therapy cases in one year. Proof of case volume will be submitted by the physician to Boston Scientific via a signed affidavit and completed tracking worksheet. This data will be kept on file by Boston Scientific.
  •  The physician must submit de-identified pre- and post-procedure IPSS data from a minimum of 25 patients. The mean improvement in IPSS must be at least 50% compared to baseline average. This data will be kept on file by Boston Scientific.
  • The physician’s primary practice must maintain their website with current and accurate education information on BPH disease state and BPH treatments, including GreenLight Laser Therapy and other options.
  • The physician must complete a quarterly therapy review with a Boston Scientific representative to include review of de-identified patient outcomes and best practices.

In order to maintain designation after year one of participation in the program, the physician must also deliver educational programs on the BPH disease state and treatment options four times a year in addition to meeting the requirements above. 

This website is compiled by Boston Scientific (“BSC”) as a reference tool for locating or identifying certain physicians. The physicians included in this database are those who have used and are familiar with BSC products that treat BPH. This database may not include all physicians that use or have used BSC’s products. Similarly, this database does not include all physicians who practice in the field of Urology. No physician has been paid or received a fee to be included in our database.
BSC does not verify or monitor the license, credentials, accreditations or qualifications of any physician listed in the database, and is not responsible for the medical advice of the physicians included in this database. BSC is not responsible and shall not be liable to you or others for any decision made or action taken by you in reliance on this information obtained from this database.
Inclusion of a physician in the database does not mean that BSC endorses or recommends such physician. Similarly, the fact that a physician is not included in the database does not mean that physician is not qualified.
The results are provided in order by proximity (when searching by zip code) and prioritized by COE designation.

Caution: U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
All images are the property of Boston Scientific. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Content on this web site is for Informational Purposes only and does not constitute medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnoses. Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health or to address any clinical/medical questions.

TreatMyBPH.com is a website sponsored by Boston Scientific.