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What you should know about BPH.

What causes it? Are there warning signs?
Risk factors? What can you do?

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The more you know about benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the better. Because at some point in your life, chances are you’ll need to face this inevitable part of growing older: an enlarged prostate. It’s nothing to worry about. Until it impacts your sleep, work, sex life and ability to urinate freely.

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What causes BPH? Nobody knows exactly why men get BPH. It’s part of being a man. And it affects 50% of men by age 60.1 It’s a problem that continues to grow. 

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What are the warning signs? It starts simply. Maybe you need to wake up several times a night to urinate. Or you experience weak urine flow. Or experience dribbling at the end of a stream. Or the sudden urge to go. And go again. Find out what to look for.

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Warning symbol.


What are the health risks? A family history of BPH, erectile dysfunction, obesity and lack of physical activity all increase your chances of an enlarged prostate. Ignoring the symptoms of BPH may put you at risk of urinary tract infections, kidney stones and bladder damage.        

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How does BPH affect your life? BPH may not be life threatening. But it can take its toll on a man’s health and quality of life. Chronic exhaustion from waking up at night to go. Embarrassing delays at public urinals. The anxiety of talking about BPH. It all adds up. 

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  1. Barry M, Roehrborn C. Management of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Ann Rev Med. 1997 Feb;48:77-189.

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